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Brev. IV.27.2

Once Quintus Caecilius Metellus had trained his new army....

Iugurtham variis proeliis vicit,

elephantos eius occidit vel cepit,

multas civitates ipsius in deditionem cepit.

    Et cum iam finem bello positurus esset,

successum est ei a C. Mario.





  • in deditionem cepit: Translate as "he took them in surrender," i.e., many city states surrendered to Q. Caecilius Metellus.
  • cum... positurus esset: The imperfect subjunctive, esset, combines with the future active participle, positurus, can be translated as "was about to put." CumCircum
  • successum est ei: Here the verb, successum est, is used as an impersonal passive. ei is the dative object of the compound verb, succedo. Literally translated as "there was a sucession unto him by Gaius Marius." Compare the sentence C. Marius ei successit. Impers
  • C. Marius: Gaius Marius, a budding military general at this time, started his road to fame during this war. He had first accompanied Metellus to Numidia as a legate. But, later, when Marius was elected consul, he replaced Metellus as commander of the Roman forces.

Monmouth College