Cambridge Ecce Romani Latin for the New Millennium Wheelock Disce Allen & Greenough None of the above


Isdem temporibus consul M. Aemilius Lepidus, Catuli collega,

bellum civile voluit commovere,

intra unam tamen aestatem motus eius oppressus est.

Ita uno tempore multi simul triumphi fuerunt,

Metelli ex Hispania, Pompeii secundus ex Hispania,

Curionis ex Macedonia, Servilii ex Isauria.





  • M. Aemilius Lepidus: He is the father of the M. Aemilius Lepidus, who would later participate in the Second Triumviate with Octavian and Mark Antony.
  • bellum ... commovere: Remember the idiomatic translation.
  • Metelli... ex Isauria: For more details on their exact exploits, see sections VI.2-4.

Monmouth College