Cambridge Ecce Romani Latin for the New Millennium Wheelock Disce Allen & Greenough None of the above

Brev. V.3.2

During the Social War…

Perniciosum, admodum, hoc bellum fuit.

P. Rutilius consul in eo occisus est,

    Caepio, nobilis iuvenis,

    Porcius Cato, alius consul.

Duces autem adversus Romanos Picentibus et Marsis fuerunt

T. Vettius, Hierius Asinius, A. Cluentius.





  • in eo: Understand bello with eo.
  • Caepio ... Porcius Cato: The death of members of the patrician class, which was the upper class in Roman society, demonstrates the seriousness of the war.
  • Duces...Picentibus et Marsis fuerunt: These are datives of possession. Translated literally as "The leaders of/for the Picentes and Marsi were...." How else can we translate it to show possess? DatPos

Monmouth College