(1) Occiso ergo Carbone
Siciliam Pompeius recepit. Transgressusinde ad Africam, Domitium, Marianae
ducem, et Hiardam, regem Mauritaniae
qui Domitio auxilium ferebat,
(2) Post haec Sulla de Mithridate ingenti gloria triumphavit. Cn. etiam Pompeius,
quod nulli Romanorum
tributum erat, quartum et vicesimum annum agens,
de Africa triumphavit.
(3) Hunc finem habuerunt duo bella
funestissima, Italicum, quod et sociale dictum est, et civile, quae ambo tracta sunt per annos decem. Consumpserunt autem ultra CL milia hominum, viros
praetorios VII,
aedilicios LX, senatores fere CC.
Comprehension Questions
Who was Domitius? Why did Pompey kill both he and Hiarbas?
Hiarbas was the king of Mauritania. What other important figure from Mauritaniahave we encountered
from the earlier Jugurthine War?
Who celebrated triumphs and for what reasons were these triumphs celebrated?
Find these numbers: how many men were killed, how many men of conulsar rank, how many men of praetorian rank,
how many of the rank of aedile, and how many senators?