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Brev. VI.6.2

After Nicomedes willed Bithynia to the Roman peopleā€¦

Mithridates pace rupta Bithyniam et Asiam rursus voluit invadere.

Adversus eum ambo consules missi variam habuere fortunam.

Cotta apud Chalcedonem victus ab eo acie,

etiam intra oppidum coactus est et obsessus.





  • pace rupta: When Rome accepted sovereignty over Bithynia, Mithridates quickly advanced into Bithynia so that he could maintain his power in the East. Bithynia was an entrance to the Black Sea and thus influential for trade. This marks the beginning of the Third so-called Mithridaic Wars. After the second war, Mithridates had actively worked to establish connections throughout the East and to build up his army, which was said to have numbered some 100,000-150,000 men and 400 ships.
  • habuere: This is the contracted form of habuerunt. SyncForm
  • Cotta: M. Aurelius Cotta was one of the consuls in 74BC. His fellow consul, Lucius Licinius Lucllus had been sent to monitor Cilicia and Asia, located here.
  • apud Calchedonem: Chalcedon was an ancient maritime city located here opposite Byzantium, i.e., Constantinople.
  • obsessus: There is an understood est which carries over from coactus est. When Eutropius uses two verbs in the perfect passive, he often omits the form of sum with one of them.

Monmouth College