Cambridge Ecce Romani Latin for the New Millennium Wheelock Disce Allen & Greenough None of the above

Brev. V.2.1

Though Marius had won a successful battle against the Cimbri...

Interea Cimbri et Teutones,

    quorum copia adhuc infinita erat,

ad Italiam transierunt.

Iterum a C. Mario et Q. Catulo contra eos dimicatum est,

sed a Catuli parte felicius.

Nam proelio, quod simul ambo gesserunt,

CXL milia aut in pugna aut in fuga caesa sunt, LX milia capta.





  • Cimbri et Teutones: While the Cimbri suffered great losses — including some 80 thousand men and even their leader, Teutobodus — the other German tribes, the Cimbri and Teutones remained a great threat to the Romans.
  • dimicatum est: Here it is used as an impersonal verb, so "it [i.e., a battle] was fought." Impers
  • a Catuli parte: Translate as "on the part of Catulus" or "on the side of Catulus."
  • felicius: Supply dimicatum est with this comparative adverb. Translate as "more fortunately" or "more luckily." CompAdv
  • CXL milia ... LX milia: C = 100, L=50, X= 10
  • capta: Understand sunt as seen in caesa sunt above.
  • gesserunt: Gesserunt should be translated similarly to when it appears with bellum so as "they waged."

Monmouth College